What to Expect
If this is your first time floating with us, expect to get here 10-15 minutes early to make sure we get you into your float on time. If you are late, it will cut into your 60 minutes of Serenity. Once we get your information and go over the dos and don’ts and what to expects, we will lead you back to your float room. We will walk you through the process and then we will lock the door behind us as we exit. There is a shower in every float room. You will shower before getting in the tank (to remove any makeup, lotion etc). You will have 60 minutes once in the tank (unless you’re late) and once your time is up, you will shower post float to rinse all of the salt off. We have all of the soap and shampoo you will need, so no need to bring yours from home. We also have an area for you to blow dry your hair if needed. Everyone’s float experience is unique, but most people will know if floating is “for them” within the first 3 sessions. So many people have told us that their first or second float wasn’t the best, but their 3rd was amazing. So our recommendation is that you float at least 3 times before you make a judgement on it.